Good day my dear friends. It's been a while. How have you been? Good? Ah, that's good to hear.
Down to brass tacks:
I'm back online for one very stressful reason: competition. A clever customer pointed out that since we are going to the North Central Barista Competition, we should blog while we're here. And by we, this means me.
Now the competition is less than a week away (sweet crazy blood pressure!) and Natro and Denver seem really ready. Miss Anya? Uh, well.... Miss Anya will pull this together.
Oh, wait. Let's talk about what the North Central Barista Competition means. So in the coffee industry there are these people called baristi (barista:singular, baristi:plural with bonus of sounding pretty neat). Baristi are coffee monkeys. We make the drinks that you fine folk drink, at least in regard to coffee. Now when you have any specialized, "glamorous" job, gatherings happen. Then competitions happen. Somewhere in there add a healthy dash of ego, pride and excitement. You end up with Barista Competitions. And they are really fun. And really nerve racking. (Check this out to see how the champions do it!)
Here's what actually happens: dapper young barista(DYB) steps up to espresso machine. DYB inflates chest and starts talking coffee to four sensory judges while making four flawless shots of espresso, four epic cappuccinos (6oz only) and then a well thought out speciality drink. During that time, no mess is made, no milk is wasted, nothing is spilled, and not a single obscenity falls from DYB's mouth. Also, this is done in *15* minutes. Then DYB is judged on the performance, knowledge, skill and quantity of forearm tattoos. (okay, not really, but maybe on how sweet DYB's hat is)
Now, I'd love to tell you all about the fantastic drinks and coffees we're going to use, but it's too soon. Things change. Secrets can't be revealed too soon. However, since we are all very excited, we have been making our signature drinks in the shop for anyone who asks. How can we say no? (That being said, mine still hasn't made it to another's lips yet. Waiting for the big reveal!)
More to come. We leave on Thursday. I'll be updating.
-Anya out.
Here & Now (and little tomorrow)
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Long time waiting...
After so many fantastic responses to my blog, I've decided to try to keep it up. It'll be coffee centered, but knowing me, there will be rambles all over the place. Mostly food related.
Anyway, since I had photos of my trip I thought I'd post how I got scholarship that sent me to Sumatra. Also, I'll be updating how the rest of my trip went with fun little tips on what you should not do. :)
So, for the scholarship I originally wrote up this nice little college-like-application with some pleasant information. No go. The information needed to be more detailed and no one was wowed. How could you not be wowed by an extravagant trip to Indonesia? (hint: a boring black and white typed blah blah blah I want this statement would do it.) After being asked to reapply, I decided to try again, but this time I was not going to fail. So I turned my application into a comic book. Anya-illustrations and sad attempts at photoshopping. Please don't judge the later of the two. I had no idea what I was doing and it was too late to do it any other way. Also, I'm stubborn and no metal box without thumbs was going to beat me!
Enough chit chat though, here it is:
This page is by far my favorite because I got to use an image of myself drawn as Sponge Bob Square Pants. WIN. (also, I had to look up what an airplane looks like.... fail.)
Anyway, since I had photos of my trip I thought I'd post how I got scholarship that sent me to Sumatra. Also, I'll be updating how the rest of my trip went with fun little tips on what you should not do. :)
So, for the scholarship I originally wrote up this nice little college-like-application with some pleasant information. No go. The information needed to be more detailed and no one was wowed. How could you not be wowed by an extravagant trip to Indonesia? (hint: a boring black and white typed blah blah blah I want this statement would do it.) After being asked to reapply, I decided to try again, but this time I was not going to fail. So I turned my application into a comic book. Anya-illustrations and sad attempts at photoshopping. Please don't judge the later of the two. I had no idea what I was doing and it was too late to do it any other way. Also, I'm stubborn and no metal box without thumbs was going to beat me!
Enough chit chat though, here it is:
If you are wondering, yes, I am that egotistical to put myself on the front cover.
Also, this is where the judging stops. Photoshop is a strange animal...This page is by far my favorite because I got to use an image of myself drawn as Sponge Bob Square Pants. WIN. (also, I had to look up what an airplane looks like.... fail.)
And the rest is history... at least my history.... and the internets...
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Fun Picture-y goodness
View from my room door.
This is coffee being dried in the street on a tarp. The thing you miss is that the trunk just up the street has coffee drying in the bed also. Nice.
Ferries to Samosir Island.
Batak house detail.
Botanical garden
THE waterfall.
SnakeSkin Fruit
Inside the snakeskin fruit. Tastes like a musty apple/pear.
Ferries to Samosir Island.
Batak house detail.
Botanical garden
THE waterfall.
Finishing from Lake Toba (this
Samuel and I fly back to my hotel and switch to a taxi, which is occupied with two other younger gentlemen: Robin and Andros. They are the rest of his band. The saxophonist and drummer. Right.
The four of us are zooming up the mountainside to the Batak houses. I learn on the way, that Samuel has a girlfriend in LA, Robin and Andros are both single, but in Batak region, dating is acceptable until marriage. This is brought up in conversation in between the three of them off-key belting the lyrics to a Bon Jovi song I don't know. And "I lay you down, in bed of roses..." Over and over and over. Great.
The Batak houses are incredible. Over 300 years old I'm told. Carved wood, detailed paintings in white against a dark wood and when you enter, the temperature drops at least 10 degrees. The main floor is used for the living space and the upper floor is food storage, underneath is where the livestock is kept. It's difficult to grasp how impressive they are until you are next to this massive wooden structure that's held together that long. The women there were selling some woven cloth, but I hadn't brought enough rupiah, which was a complete shame, because it was some of the nicest handiwork I've seen. (Ma, Judy Chicago would have benefited from their work.)
Shortly, I was being swept up into the car again. To the botanical garden and waterfall. Frankly, I could have skipped it, but the guys were very excited to go swimming. I did my best to convince them that I couldn't swim and was afraid of drowning. Na, Na, we'll keep you safe. You not drown with us. Right.
The waterfall was pretty, but, again jaded, it was just a waterfall to me and I was not getting in past my ankles, despite 'the band's' best efforts.
Skip ahead to where they ask if I want to try some local moonshine. (yes I do) We get to the place and I see my father's worried face in my head and realize that this is a horrible idea. Down right terrible. I had two things going for me at that moment. One: I can drink. I can drink a decent amount and I'm nearly positive I can out drink all three of this guys. Two: The place appears to be closed and I am able to catch Samuel before he makes the phone call to get the shop owner.
Skip ahead to dinner.
I've prepaid for a special BBQ'd fish dinner. Lake Toba fish. Nula. Like carp I'm told. I'm excited. Fish here is incredible and I'm geeked to have it made locally by locals the local way from a local source. (Beat that Food Co-op-tree-hugging-localivore movement! [Disregard the 32hrs of travel it took to get here.]) And you know what? The fish was incredible. Truly delicious. Bbq'd straight out of the lake, The whole thing. Head, tail and fins. Covered in chili sauce, served with a large bed of rice and some steamed tapioca leaves. So good. Except for the company. Oh what, you think my day of Samuel is over? You're so silly. It's only 9pm. There are three more hours of Samuel and they are the most uncomfortable yet.
It's hearing his 'band' play. Do you notice how I keep putting the word band in parenthesis? Yea? That's because his 'band', I come to find out, is going to a small town karaoke bar that has instruments so you can sing and play along with your favorite American songs from 5-20 years ago. But let me back up a second.
I have agreed to buy the guys beers. Despite the level of annoying they have reached, there have been glimpses of amazing. Fresh pineapple from an old woman with a machete. Batak houses. Incredible fish and now I get to see the people Parapat in their natural environment. And really, the bir (beer:beer) isn't expensive. So I order four. One for each of us. They are a bit shocked. Keep in mind that a bottle of beer is twice the bottles we know in the US. Usually they are shared between two people, but frankly, I could use a whole one and as I've mentioned I'm just about positive that I can out drink them. (I'm of Polish heritage, I lived in the UP for six years and I believe in night caps. I'm good here.)
Turns out, I can out drink them. I finish my beer ages before them and they keep putting ice in their mugs. Ice! I know, I know. Culturally sensitivity, but ice? You know, I suppose I wasn't drinking it, so.... Anyway after a few hour of awful karaoke, brushing off advances and sitting without a beer, I'm done. Really done. If you haven't seen me when I've quit, you might not understand, but I turn into what Gauri calls Dragon Bitch Lady. I pretty much demanded to be taken home and that any more contact with my flesh was unwanted. They got it and took me back to my hotel. Before my release, Samuel gave the good ole Parapat try and leaned in for a kiss.
It was a replay of the time my high school freshman boyfriend tried to slip me tongue. I blurted "No" and ran off.
Worst night of sleep yet.
The next day he apologised and I was off to Medan on the longest taxi ride ever.
More in a bit.
Anya Out.
Friday, November 11, 2011
News from Lake Toba
Oh, I am tired.
I'm going to try to get this all down before I fall asleep, but beware, the post may be cut short.
So early-ish this morning I pick up my money (Steve, I owe you so much!) and I head out to buy trinkets. Of course I've forgotten that toko [To-ko: shop] doesn't open until 10-11, but I get things anyway from few people and wander around until I'm nice and hot and sweaty. Then I hail a minibus back to my hotel where I decide that I should stop being a wuss and really get out there. So I do.
And just after I've walked around the market a few times (later postings of fruit adventures) I get hailed by Samuel. The rest of my day has revolved around Samuel. This is a 39 year old balding big guy who speaks pretty good English, but is a classic third world country sales man. He's also at least a foot and a half shorter than me, which later makes all the photos really awkward. (Straight back to my freshman year of high school's homecoming. If you haven't seen those photos, you never will.) So he's selling taxi's to Medan, which I need. So I buy, because the price is pretty good and I need one and why the heck not? Seems like a nice guy and I turn down the 200,000 Rupiah tour, so I feel good about my pathetic excuse for bargaining skills. And I continue on my walk of Parapat.
This is not a walking city. There are no sidewalks. The roads are thin and the vehicles drive fast. They also are not labeled, nor straight.
Okay. No big deal. Minibuses are there to save you. For 2,000 Rupiah, it's a good deal for a hot sweaty American. Or really anyone. And they go where ever you'd like. So when I say stop, he stops. Which was how I got lunch today.
Met a sweet kid named Jeffery, who I had met the day earlier in the pos kantor [pos can-tor: post office]. He sat with me as I finished my tea. He asked,"why is your husband not here?" So I lied for my own ease. (Sorry Steve) :He had to work: And then there was an on slaughter of questions, all of which were very nice, but really husband forward.
Now as I'm walking back to the hotel Samuel drives past me on a motorcycle and asks if I want to see a good view of Lake Toba for photos. Next thing you know I'm flying up the mountain on a motorbike with Samuel and we stop and take photos and I have a cup of coffee and he about 5 cigarettes and a soda. He tells me he plays guitar and sings at a bar tonight and asks if I want to come. Sure. Sounds fun. He says he and his friends play.
Sadly I have to leave this at a cliff hanger... I'm nodding off. Will finish in the morning.
Anya Out. Literally.
I'm going to try to get this all down before I fall asleep, but beware, the post may be cut short.
So early-ish this morning I pick up my money (Steve, I owe you so much!) and I head out to buy trinkets. Of course I've forgotten that toko [To-ko: shop] doesn't open until 10-11, but I get things anyway from few people and wander around until I'm nice and hot and sweaty. Then I hail a minibus back to my hotel where I decide that I should stop being a wuss and really get out there. So I do.
And just after I've walked around the market a few times (later postings of fruit adventures) I get hailed by Samuel. The rest of my day has revolved around Samuel. This is a 39 year old balding big guy who speaks pretty good English, but is a classic third world country sales man. He's also at least a foot and a half shorter than me, which later makes all the photos really awkward. (Straight back to my freshman year of high school's homecoming. If you haven't seen those photos, you never will.) So he's selling taxi's to Medan, which I need. So I buy, because the price is pretty good and I need one and why the heck not? Seems like a nice guy and I turn down the 200,000 Rupiah tour, so I feel good about my pathetic excuse for bargaining skills. And I continue on my walk of Parapat.
This is not a walking city. There are no sidewalks. The roads are thin and the vehicles drive fast. They also are not labeled, nor straight.
Okay. No big deal. Minibuses are there to save you. For 2,000 Rupiah, it's a good deal for a hot sweaty American. Or really anyone. And they go where ever you'd like. So when I say stop, he stops. Which was how I got lunch today.
Met a sweet kid named Jeffery, who I had met the day earlier in the pos kantor [pos can-tor: post office]. He sat with me as I finished my tea. He asked,"why is your husband not here?" So I lied for my own ease. (Sorry Steve) :He had to work: And then there was an on slaughter of questions, all of which were very nice, but really husband forward.
Now as I'm walking back to the hotel Samuel drives past me on a motorcycle and asks if I want to see a good view of Lake Toba for photos. Next thing you know I'm flying up the mountain on a motorbike with Samuel and we stop and take photos and I have a cup of coffee and he about 5 cigarettes and a soda. He tells me he plays guitar and sings at a bar tonight and asks if I want to come. Sure. Sounds fun. He says he and his friends play.
Sadly I have to leave this at a cliff hanger... I'm nodding off. Will finish in the morning.
Anya Out. Literally.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Scraps and loose ends
It is currently four in the morning here and because I decided to take a nap at two in the afternoon only to sleep for about 12 hours (my mother would say I 'probably needed it'), I'm going to add somethings I have forgotten in previous posts. It might be a bit random, but it's the little things you notice about different countries that seem to blur out against the obvious.
In Indonesia, you do nothing with you left hand. You might be familiar with this, but the left hand is considered 'unclean'. It really doesn't have anything to do with religion. It's based in hygiene practices. You use your left hand to clean yourself after you use the toilet. Often toilets do not have tissue. They have bidets, which are fascinating devices that spray water up. (see: Crocodile Dundee) This practise of right handed-ness is a bit tricky to get used to, but glaringly apparent. You won't be berated, but it's really unkind.
Dogs and cats are everywhere. They are not kept as we do; pampering, bathing, or treating with the utmost care. Not to say that they aren't cared for, but PETA would have a heart attack. There are regions where they eat their dogs when times are tough. It happens. Actually doesn't really bother me, because the condition that the dogs live in, it sorta makes sense. They aren't raised as family. They are raised more like livestock. I don't think I could describe it better, because it's really something you'd have to see for yourself.
All school children wear uniforms. It's really sweet to see a yard full, or street full of kids in identical blue or beige skirts and pants with little ties.
Indonesia is a lenient place religiously. There are five main religions: Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, and the last one I currently forget. Because of this it is not uncommon to see woman in hajibs or Christian churches. (Fun fact: All Catholic churches have exposed bricks, unlike most buildings which are a smooth surface.)
Mangosteens have a little flower like mark on the bottom and the number of petals is the number of pieces on the inside.
Bargaining is a must, but I'm no good at it. Even if I did know the language, it feels really pushy. Negotiating is different. This is where looking like a dumb American really comes in handy.
Sumatra is sorta a dirty place. The homes and buildings are very clean on the inside, but the streets are always lined in litter and it is not uncommon to see piles of garbage on fire. It seems to me that the culture here supports that. The infrastructure cannot support a trash system and due to the lush ecosystem, the earth kinda swallows it up. It is very strange to see people throw things out windows and onto streets though. In the US, you can be fined. Also, we are now breeding in the guilt of waste. Not here.
Even food is made in "wasteful" quantities. When you order a dish, it is HUGE and often you share it, but I have yet to see a dish empty. Now I doubt that the food is wasted, but in the US we make exactly what we need for who is there. (and if you're parents are anything like mine, 'you clean your plate little lady!' {not a problem for this girl})
Water is always served warm. It is boiled before it's served so no one gets sick, but even when water is taken out of water coolers, it is always taken out warm. Takes getting used to, but frankly I've been so thirsty I don't care.
That's all for now.
I'm going to get some more sleep.
Anya out.
In Indonesia, you do nothing with you left hand. You might be familiar with this, but the left hand is considered 'unclean'. It really doesn't have anything to do with religion. It's based in hygiene practices. You use your left hand to clean yourself after you use the toilet. Often toilets do not have tissue. They have bidets, which are fascinating devices that spray water up. (see: Crocodile Dundee) This practise of right handed-ness is a bit tricky to get used to, but glaringly apparent. You won't be berated, but it's really unkind.
Dogs and cats are everywhere. They are not kept as we do; pampering, bathing, or treating with the utmost care. Not to say that they aren't cared for, but PETA would have a heart attack. There are regions where they eat their dogs when times are tough. It happens. Actually doesn't really bother me, because the condition that the dogs live in, it sorta makes sense. They aren't raised as family. They are raised more like livestock. I don't think I could describe it better, because it's really something you'd have to see for yourself.
All school children wear uniforms. It's really sweet to see a yard full, or street full of kids in identical blue or beige skirts and pants with little ties.
Indonesia is a lenient place religiously. There are five main religions: Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, and the last one I currently forget. Because of this it is not uncommon to see woman in hajibs or Christian churches. (Fun fact: All Catholic churches have exposed bricks, unlike most buildings which are a smooth surface.)
Mangosteens have a little flower like mark on the bottom and the number of petals is the number of pieces on the inside.
Bargaining is a must, but I'm no good at it. Even if I did know the language, it feels really pushy. Negotiating is different. This is where looking like a dumb American really comes in handy.
Sumatra is sorta a dirty place. The homes and buildings are very clean on the inside, but the streets are always lined in litter and it is not uncommon to see piles of garbage on fire. It seems to me that the culture here supports that. The infrastructure cannot support a trash system and due to the lush ecosystem, the earth kinda swallows it up. It is very strange to see people throw things out windows and onto streets though. In the US, you can be fined. Also, we are now breeding in the guilt of waste. Not here.
Even food is made in "wasteful" quantities. When you order a dish, it is HUGE and often you share it, but I have yet to see a dish empty. Now I doubt that the food is wasted, but in the US we make exactly what we need for who is there. (and if you're parents are anything like mine, 'you clean your plate little lady!' {not a problem for this girl})
Water is always served warm. It is boiled before it's served so no one gets sick, but even when water is taken out of water coolers, it is always taken out warm. Takes getting used to, but frankly I've been so thirsty I don't care.
That's all for now.
I'm going to get some more sleep.
Anya out.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Adventures before noon!
So I'm in Parapat [par-a-pat]- a tourist town on the edge of Lake Toba. It was a four hour drive with a sweet gentleman by the name of John. (I'm sure that I was pronouncing it wrong). We talked via his little English and my Indonesian phrasebook. It was rough, but good. I learned a lot of new words. [Fun fact time: jalan=road, jalak=bad] The roads would give my mother a heart attack. (Mama, it's worse than Scotland, not as bumpy as Costa Rica, but as fast as Greece.) I have developed a talent for closing my eyes when it gets bad so as not to gasp or thrust my hand at the dashboard. Drivers pass each other frequently and closely, honking as a way to say 'I'm passing you now' or 'watch out' or 'I'm coming around the insanely sharp and poorly paved hairpin turn' or 'hey buddy how's it going'.
But the drive was indah [een-da: beautiful]. The mons [mons- mountains] are stunning and everywhere. It amazes me how quickly we can go from one place to another. You seem so far from this looming green mountain and then you're on the other side. Then Danau Toba [dan-you: lake] pops up. It's huge. Something like a great lake, but with Samosir [sawm-o-seer] island in the middle. I'd go there, but there has been a stupid traveler mistake that keeps me here.
So, when you go to another country there are a few incredibly important things to remember. First and foremost, you're passport. You can do nothing without it. Even when you get here, hotels will photocopy it before you get your key.
The second thing you need above everything else: currency. Guess which one I forgot to get before I left the states. Yea. Turns out my bank's credit card doesn't really work here. Even at the ATMs. (It worked in Singapore!) And people do not take Amex when you're not in a big city. When I went to check into my hotel in Parapat, my card wouldn't run, so I gave them the rest of my cash. But I only paid for one of the two nights I need to stay here.
What did I do? I Skyped with Steve, who Western Unioned me some money to Parapat. (Crazy that there is one here!) But, how does one get to the Western Union? I have an address, but there's no number and there are no peta-peta [pe-ta: maps] of Parapat. The lady in the hotel pops me on a minibus. A minibus, if you didn't know, is a minivan with no side door and benches on the sides. Also it's smaller. I felt like a giant.
The minibus drove all around, stopping at a money changers for me at the request of some lovely woman from Jakarta. (Did I mention how nice Sumatrans are? They talked to me until the had to get off for the ferry.) I kept on the bus, asking everyone where Jalan Parapat Porsea is. Then we picked up a bunch of school kids (sixth graders by my guess). They were very excited. One even tried out her English and said, "I like you". I should have asked for their photo, but I was too nervous in finding the Western Union. Now minibuses drive where ever the people in the bus need to go for 2000 rupiah. [Fun fact: it's about 9000 Rupiah to one US dollar.] However, I didn't know any of this, so before one of the ladies with a comatose child splay out in her arms left, I asked with my handy dandy phrase book. But we're driving further and further outside of town. I figured if I just stayed on the bus he'd at least have to take me back to the hotel, but he dropped her off and started back down the mountain to the city. "Miss, here" And I'm out in front of the familiar Western Union sign.
But their computer is down. They tell me I can go to the post office and they can help. Where's the post office. uh... uh... they motion to the guard who will show me the way. And he does. On his motorcycle. That's right, I got on a motorcycle on unsure roads with fearless drivers in a foreign city. Oh, with a stranger. I figured it was okay because he was in a uniform. (good logic, right?)
At the post office (unscathed) I realize I didn't get the number from Steve before I let him go back to sleep. It's 1am there. Oops. So, I'm going to call him in the morning (my morning, his night) and get that. Until then, I have no idea what will happen. Something fun I'm sure.
For now I'm safe, clean, and happy.
Ooo! A lizard!
Maaf [ma-af: sorry], it's cute and crawling on the wall. (harmless, I'm told)
Anyway, I'll report more later. Until then wish me luck with dining tonight. And figuring out how to take the bus back to Medan. Don't you love haphazard travel. I know I do.
Anya out.
So I'm in Parapat [par-a-pat]- a tourist town on the edge of Lake Toba. It was a four hour drive with a sweet gentleman by the name of John. (I'm sure that I was pronouncing it wrong). We talked via his little English and my Indonesian phrasebook. It was rough, but good. I learned a lot of new words. [Fun fact time: jalan=road, jalak=bad] The roads would give my mother a heart attack. (Mama, it's worse than Scotland, not as bumpy as Costa Rica, but as fast as Greece.) I have developed a talent for closing my eyes when it gets bad so as not to gasp or thrust my hand at the dashboard. Drivers pass each other frequently and closely, honking as a way to say 'I'm passing you now' or 'watch out' or 'I'm coming around the insanely sharp and poorly paved hairpin turn' or 'hey buddy how's it going'.
But the drive was indah [een-da: beautiful]. The mons [mons- mountains] are stunning and everywhere. It amazes me how quickly we can go from one place to another. You seem so far from this looming green mountain and then you're on the other side. Then Danau Toba [dan-you: lake] pops up. It's huge. Something like a great lake, but with Samosir [sawm-o-seer] island in the middle. I'd go there, but there has been a stupid traveler mistake that keeps me here.
So, when you go to another country there are a few incredibly important things to remember. First and foremost, you're passport. You can do nothing without it. Even when you get here, hotels will photocopy it before you get your key.
The second thing you need above everything else: currency. Guess which one I forgot to get before I left the states. Yea. Turns out my bank's credit card doesn't really work here. Even at the ATMs. (It worked in Singapore!) And people do not take Amex when you're not in a big city. When I went to check into my hotel in Parapat, my card wouldn't run, so I gave them the rest of my cash. But I only paid for one of the two nights I need to stay here.
What did I do? I Skyped with Steve, who Western Unioned me some money to Parapat. (Crazy that there is one here!) But, how does one get to the Western Union? I have an address, but there's no number and there are no peta-peta [pe-ta: maps] of Parapat. The lady in the hotel pops me on a minibus. A minibus, if you didn't know, is a minivan with no side door and benches on the sides. Also it's smaller. I felt like a giant.
The minibus drove all around, stopping at a money changers for me at the request of some lovely woman from Jakarta. (Did I mention how nice Sumatrans are? They talked to me until the had to get off for the ferry.) I kept on the bus, asking everyone where Jalan Parapat Porsea is. Then we picked up a bunch of school kids (sixth graders by my guess). They were very excited. One even tried out her English and said, "I like you". I should have asked for their photo, but I was too nervous in finding the Western Union. Now minibuses drive where ever the people in the bus need to go for 2000 rupiah. [Fun fact: it's about 9000 Rupiah to one US dollar.] However, I didn't know any of this, so before one of the ladies with a comatose child splay out in her arms left, I asked with my handy dandy phrase book. But we're driving further and further outside of town. I figured if I just stayed on the bus he'd at least have to take me back to the hotel, but he dropped her off and started back down the mountain to the city. "Miss, here" And I'm out in front of the familiar Western Union sign.
But their computer is down. They tell me I can go to the post office and they can help. Where's the post office. uh... uh... they motion to the guard who will show me the way. And he does. On his motorcycle. That's right, I got on a motorcycle on unsure roads with fearless drivers in a foreign city. Oh, with a stranger. I figured it was okay because he was in a uniform. (good logic, right?)
At the post office (unscathed) I realize I didn't get the number from Steve before I let him go back to sleep. It's 1am there. Oops. So, I'm going to call him in the morning (my morning, his night) and get that. Until then, I have no idea what will happen. Something fun I'm sure.
For now I'm safe, clean, and happy.
Ooo! A lizard!
Maaf [ma-af: sorry], it's cute and crawling on the wall. (harmless, I'm told)
Anyway, I'll report more later. Until then wish me luck with dining tonight. And figuring out how to take the bus back to Medan. Don't you love haphazard travel. I know I do.
Anya out.
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